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Türk vatandaşlığı için yükselen fiyatlar ارتفاع سعر الجنسية التركية إلى 400 ألف دولار

Increase in the price of Turkey citizenship

In recent years, one of the most popular services in our company has been to obtain Turkey citizenship by investment and buying property. During this time we have successfully completed many cases for investors and their families. Today we want to talk about the latest news, which is the Increase in the price of Turkey citizenship by investment to $ 400,000.

Increase in the price of Turkish citizenship

Recep Tayyip Arudghan has recently passed amendments to the country's citizenship law that will increase the amount of investment for Turkish citizenship from $ 250,000 to $ 400,000. In the following, we will review this law and when it will enter into force.

The increase in the price of the Turkish citizenship to $ 400,000 followed by rumors that a new law would be passed two or three months ago, and many believed that the law would never be implemented.

However, with the publication of the new amended law in the official Turkish newspaper, all these rumors ended and the increase in the price of the Turkish passport became public and definite.

According to the law, starting from June 12, 2022, buying a property in Turkey for $ 250,000 will no longer lead to Turkish citizenship, and if one wants to enter the Turkish passport process by buying a property, one must invest at least $ 400,000.

Why did the price of Turkish citizenship increase?

But regardless of the issue of raising the price of Turkish citizenship, many may be wondering why the amount of investment required to obtain Turkish citizenship should increase in less than 4 years.

Has Turkey reached the point of no financial need and wants to attract more capital to its country, given the extraordinary acceptance of this law?

Published in various analyzes, but we see theories to the contrary. Many experts believe that the current economic crisis in Turkey, as well as the high cost of housing for Turks, have led to this presidential decision.

The arrival of foreigners in Turkey and the arrival of their dollars with them caused the builders to constantly increase prices, and as a result, housing prices in Turkey in general have increased significantly. Pressure from the people and socially and politically active institutions caused the Turkish presidency to back down and reduce the anxiety by increasing the amount of Turkish citizenship.

Can I still get a Turkish citizenship with $ 250,000?

Many ask us if it is still possible to buy a property in Turkey and get a Turkish passport at the previous price. The answer to this question is yes, but it will be a high risk job. You must get the official title deed in your own name before the deadline.

If you want to enter this process, you must be sure that your work will be completed before June 12, 2022 and that you have the title deed. In practice, it is very difficult to find a seller who can transfer the document quickly, and this is a matter of honesty for the construction company or the seller of the property in Turkey.

These days, we at Investime are very cautious about Turkey, because accepting such cases in this tight situation is a heavy responsibility for us. Our only solution is complete and maximum assurance of the speed and honesty of the construction company that transfers the ownership document to our client's name in a timely manner and for a short period of time.

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